crossing the start/finish u approach 200kph. watch the 200m board flash past and get ur mind set for the whole braking thing. the 150m mark is a pole with the red flag on it....slam brakes as u flash past it, almost instantly downshifting to 3rd gear. car begins dancing around, and u gotta make slight wheel corrections. under braking i couldnt see much, with the vibrations of the car my head just got thundered around. heel-toe and hook 2nd gear....keep the revs up since the 1st corner is not tight enuff for 2nd gear and too tight for 3rd.
up over the crest and change up to 3rd gear. keep it flat out and smooth thru the next left hander. just after u exit the corner the engine should be screaming for an upshift...change to 4th.
wait till u start to pass the dotted white lines and brake for the left hander hairpin (turn3). since u havnt reached anywhere near top speed, downshift instantly to 3rd gear....feel like u running straight off track, hook 2nd gear and then only turn in for the corner - extremely late apex.
exit that hairpin and set yourself up for the right hand hairpin of turn4. between the hairpins its too much of a bitch to shift up to 3rd gear and then downshift again. watch the revs and maintain just over 7100rpm...entry line is in the middle of the track since u're already down a gear and minimising chance of sum1 diving down the inside. dont brake for this corner....and barely lift off the throttle either.
here comes the 1st fun bit. exit turn4 but dont use all the road....u need to set urself up for turn5/6/7...get into the left kink as far left as possible and shift up to 3rd gear....still turning left even onto the escape road...then pick a turn-in point for be taken flat out u may have to use a bit of dust. turn7 is just a corner to gather urself from turn6, still flat out but dancing over the exit kerbs. ur body gets pretty banged up here with the quick direction changes
hectic entry into turn8 (left hander)...dont shift up to 4th gear and let her scream....the bumps will unsettle the car big time here, but just keep it straight...brake just after the gravel patch on the right and try turn in late, but quickly straighten up...keeping to the left. the entry into the next chicane is a bit further ahead, so even accelerate again before braking for the chicane
try take the chicane late, but cut it a bit so u bounce a bit on the dust and hop over the kerb basically....if u hit the kerb the wheel just flies in the air and car gets unsettled...2nd part of the chicane is pretty dusty, lots of cars running wide here and bringing dust onto the circuit....keep 3rd gear heading up onto the oval

the oval u enter flat out and stay high.....not too high, about 2/3rd's the way up....i have to lift off a little here, to get the car turned in a its freakn scary coz if u lose it here its pretty much game over with that concrete wall next to u. on new tyres the legend is that they take this flat out :/ this is where u start feeling ur arms ache...this left hander puts the most strain on ye body....touch the white line (which u not allowed to cross as its pit entry) and before u think u can really accelerate out, thats when u accelerate :P watch the barriers come closer closer closer but keep flat out.
shift to 4th gear and negotiate that little exit kink which leads back onto the main straight. cross the start/finish line.....lap record in a formula vee here is 1m15.7
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